Agriculture in what is now Mexico City can be traced back to the great city of Tenochtitl

Rapid urbanisation in developing countries intensifies the challenges of making sufficient food available for the increasing urban population, and managing the related waste flow. Unlike in rural communities, there is usually little or no return of food biomass and related nutrients into the food production process. Most waste ends up on landfills or pollutes the urban environment.

The disposal of waste presents an increasing challenge to the administrative bodies of megacities. The Municipal Corporation of the Indian city Pune has introduced source separation systems and onsite organic waste composting. The citizens concerned are looking for practical ways to treat their organic wastes and they have found city farming to be a viable solution.

Although batch composting of manure is very common throughout China at both large and small scales, there is little experience with composting of human waste in urban centres. This project, the first on thermal composting of human faeces under indoor controlled conditions, took place in a highdensity urban setting in Dongsheng, Erdos Municipality in Inner Mongolia, China.

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The IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report puts the contribution of the solid waste and wastewater management sector to global greenhouse gas emissions at 2.7%, which might at first sight appear to be comparatively low.

Option Energy Private Limited, a company into bio-waste- based power production, is planning to set up an organic waste-based plant to produce power and Bio-Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), based on US technology, at Fatehabad soon.

This working paper is based on research carried out as commission work for the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ). It presents the analysis of climate benefits through the 3Rs focusing on organic waste management. It shows separate treatment hierarchies for different kinds of organic waste and recommendations for selection of appropriate treatment technologies for these wastes.

This working paper is based on research carried out as commission work for the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ). It presents the analysis of climate benefits through the 3Rs focusing on organic waste management. It shows separate treatment hierarchies for different kinds of organic waste and recommendations for selection of appropriate treatment technologies for these wastes.

This report consists of four main sections. In the first part, it presents data from the national GHG inventories of a number of developing Asian countries, identifies the main sources of GHG emissions from the waste sector, and analyses the national climate strategies of selected countries. Secondly, the report presents data on the potential climate benefits of the 3Rs. It

Cairo: It is unlikely anyone has ever come to this city and commented on how clean the streets are. But this litterstrewn metropolis is now wrestling with a garbage problem so severe it has managed to incite its weary residents and command the attention of the president.
