The risks of serious environmental and social impact caused by poorly-managed supply chains can be avoided with improved practices that will also benefit business, according to a new guide released by WWF.

Food processing and packaging company Tetra Pak has announced that it has become a corporate member of the Circular Economy 100 (CE100), the innovation platform launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foun

Hyderabad: Using the same polyethylene terephthalate or plastic bottles for storing and drinking water for a year or more is injurious to health.

Nearly two thirds of online shoppers now consider 'green packaging' when deciding where to shop according to a new poll.

The global food sector faces extraordinary risks from the twin challenges of water scarcity and water pollution.

A Belfast packaging firm has said it is responsible for a pollution spill that caused the Blackstaff river to turn red.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Him Jagriti Uttaranchal Welfare Society Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 03/03/2015 regarding use of plastic bottle and multi-layered/plastic packages/pet bottles.

The United States is missing out on $11.4bn in potential recycling revenue, largely contributed to by only recycling 14% of plastic packaging.

Tetra Pak needs to double recycling rates in order to hit a target of 40% of used beverage cartons being fully recycled by 2020, according to the packaging giant's latest sustainability report.

Polythene maker BPI Group has announced that it has cut its packaging waste by one third in the past six years.
