Dioxin has been a cause for concern all over the world and it recently came into prominence after it was found in food products in Belgium. S K Wangnoo , former head of endocrinology department at the Institute of Medical Scie
A printing process based on reprintable papers has been developed that would help avoid wastage of paper. The new system envisages tiny dots of special ink encapsulated within an ordinary paper. By
Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of T. N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/12/1996 regarding the true scope of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and the meaning of the word "forest" used therein.
Although papermaking has traditionally been located in urban settings, technological innovations brought about by an NGO brings a new trade to the rural backyards. Here's a do it yourself formula for making recycled paper at home
Budget cuts on paper imports from 35 to 10 per cent would put the brakes on the local paper recycling industry in Sri Lanka. While the tax cuts could prove to be a bonanza to solid waste