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The Asia-Pacific Migration Report 2020 is a baseline assessment of the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) in Asia and the Pacific. It will inform the Asia-Pacific Regional Review of GCM Implementation, to be held from 10 to 12 March 2021. The report presents an overview of migration in Asia and the Pacific.

Child poverty is expected to remain above pre-COVID levels for at least five years in high-income countries.

Order of the High Court of Karnataka at Bengaluru dated 09/12/2020 in the matter of All India Council of Trade Unions Vs Union of India & Others.

Two writ petitions were filed. The first writ petition was filed under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India, praying to discontinue the practice of allowing/forcing sanitary workers to physically enter manholes, sewer lines, septic tanks.

The joint WFP-IOM report highlights the close interconnection between hunger, conflict, migration and displacement, which has been further aggravated by COVID-19. The study explores the impact of the pandemic on the livelihoods, food security and protection of migrant workers households dependent on remittances and the forcibly displaced.

The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it several challenges for India and nations across the world. Even as we set about trying to secure the nation from this disease, the livelihoods of many unorganized and migrant workers were hit.

At the moment, a child born in Uganda will be only 38 percent as productive when she grows up as she can be if she enjoyed complete education and full health, according to the human capital index (HCI) one of the lowest levels in the world.

The World’s Women 2020 is a collection of 100 stories providing up-to-date assessments of progress towards gender equality in the following six critical areas, including, under each area, the impact of COVID-19 on women: (a) population and families; (b) health; (c) education; (d) economic empowerment and asset ownership; (e) power and decision-m

An estimated 1 in 6 children – or 356 million globally – lived in extreme poverty before the pandemic, and this is set to worsen significantly, according to a new World Bank Group-UNICEF analysis.

African migration in the 21st Century takes place mainly by land, not by sea. African migrants’ destinations are overwhelmingly not to Europe or North America, but to each other’s countries.

Just over six months since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, civic freedoms remain under threat across the world. A new brief released by the CIVICUS Monitor documents ongoing and unjustifiable restrictions on the freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression.
