Twelve sewage and soil isolates belonging to genus Pseudomonas were screened for their ability to degrade and dechlorinate 2-chlorobenzoic acid (2-CBA), 3-chlorobenzoic acid (3-CBA) and 2,4-chlorobenzoic acid (2,4-DCBA). On the basis of growth of the isolates of three chlorobenzoates and their subsequent dechlorination rate, an aerobic Pseudomonas strain PNK-3 was selected for the study.

The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture is running a central sector scheme, "Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level" in food commodities and environmental samples since 2005-06 with the participation of various laboratories representing Ministry of Agriculture, ICAR, Ministry of Health and Family Welfar

Kerala government is in a fix with the National Human Rights Commission issuing notice to the State government for non-payment of adequate compensation to victims of pesticide endosulfan in Kasarag

The interim report of Joint Expert Committee on endosulfan submitted to the Supreme Court. Says that the ban on this pesticide should be limited to Kerala and Karnataka only, since none of the other states have reported adverse health effects.


These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, toxins and Residues)
Regulations, 2011.

Indian agriculture has been under stress quite for long time. Decline in public investment, poor extension net work, lack of marketing facilities, erratic input supply and others have all collectively contributed for decline or stagnant in Indian agriculture. Increasing use of synthetic inputs and non-judicial use of natural resources including land and water have also added the problem only to become worse. Now, there has been consistent attempt to either reduce the chemical inputs or stop its use in agriculture for promoting sustainable agriculture system.

Counter affidavit filed in the Supreme Court of India dated 29/07/2011 by the Department of Agriculture in re: Endosulfan - W.P.(C) NO.213/2011 Democratic Youth Federation of India Vs. Union of India & Ors.

The Union Government on Wednesday submitted before the Delhi High Court that there was no need to panic over presence of pesticide residue in vegetables and fruits sold in the Capital as no banned pesticide was found in them during the laboratory test of samples of the two items lifted from different markets in the city.

However, amicus curiae in the matter, V.K.

Application under the Right to Information Act, 2005 regarding pesticide residues.

Site identified for campus had been part of a cashew estate. The university is now functioning in rented building.
