The annual Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 26 September 2013. The FAO Panel of Experts had met in preparatory sessions from 6 to 10 September.

‘Indian Council of Medical Research to take up the project in seven States’

An Indian Council of Medical Research-sponsored health impact study will be taken up in seven States which use maximum pesticides for agriculture, according to Dr. V.M. Katoch, Secretary, Department of Health Research and Director-General, ICMR.

Government institutions overlook negative impact of highly hazardous pesticides on children's health despite the availability of safer alternatives to pesticides says this new book by Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP). It brings together research from across the world and includes India.

In a major relief to cola manufacturers Pepsi and Coke, the Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to force them to list their ingredients on labels of aerated soft drinks.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday accepted a government scientific panel’s finding that the chemical additives content in soft drinks were well within the safety levels and did not pose a health hazard

Supreme Court has directed FSSAI to monitor and conduct periodic checks of all carbonated soft drinks citing that the issue relates to fundamental right to life. Read text of this order issued by the apex court on 22 October 2013.

Exporters seek govt help as a close vigil by the US raises costs and obstructs sales

Basmati rice exports to the US have plunged because many Indian firms are under an import alert by the US authorities, leading to a detailed scrutiny for pesticide residue in every grain being shipped out. This has raised costs, upset schedules and obstructed sales, prompting exporters to seek government intervention.

The Kerala Agricultural University has found “dangerous levels” of pesticide residue in key vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, vegetable cowpea ( achinga ), amaranthus red, small red onions, tom

Unscientific disposal of sewage and pesticide residue from farmlands have contributed to organic pollution and chemical contamination of surface and groundwater resources in four river basins acros

New Delhi: A Central government panel has recommended stringent checks for pesticides in fruits and vegetables, including imported ones.
