Do you have a new home and want power connection?

Have a good look at your roof before venturing to the nearest Bescom office. Because the electricity company now wants all new house owners, including those having two-storied buildings in 20X30 sites, to install solar water-heaters to get electricity connections.

BANGLADESH should harness potentials for wind power generation as the world is advancing at a rapid pace in the field. Global wind capacity has reportedly increased by over 27,000 megawatts, with installations up by almost 29 percent in 2008.

An important and realistic front page report was published in a local English daily on the subject. It deserves national attention and urgent action by the government if it is really serious in providing more power within the next two years (by December 2012).

An impasse over coal-fired power plants in Kansas has ended, with the new governor, Mark Parkinson, agreeing to allow construction of a large coal plant in the western part of the state. A Kansas utility, Sunflower Electric, had hoped to build two large coal plants.

Ms Karin Kortman, Germany

Wave energy could catch up with commercially more advanced offshore wind power within five years, the head of pioneers Aquamarine Power Ltd told Reuters.

"What it took 25 years to do in the wind industry, we want to do in five years," Chief Executive Officer Martin McAdam said in an interview.

China is set to smash its target for a roll-out of solar power by 2020 more than fivefold and possibly even tenfold, a researcher with the National Development and Reform Commission, the economic planning ministry, said on Tuesday.

Under the NDRC's renewable energy plan set out in 2007, China would have 1,800 megawatts of installed solar capacity by 2020.

U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation this week that would establish a new independent agency to spearhead government clean energy investments.

The bipartisan bill, introduced by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman and ranking member Lisa Murkowski, would establish a Clean Energy Deployment Administration within the Energy Department.

Private U.S. company Tang Energy Group said on Friday a Chinese company has agreed to provide $300 million in financing for its wind power projects.

A proposed UK scheme designed to force some 5,000 businesses to cut carbon emissions by reducing their energy consumption gives companies no reason to buy renewable energy, critics said on Friday.

"Businesses need greater incentives to demand increased renewable power in their fuel mix, not less," said Jo Butlin, vice president at UK renewable power supplier Smartest Energy.
