Scientists are fighting the uzi fly, a parasite of the silkworm, with a wasp like insect that can help reduce that menace of the uzi fly, a parasite of the silkworm.

An Oxford biologist says sexes exist to prevent chaos within cells during reproduction. And why only two sexes? Because life would get too complicated otherwise.

Babies less than six months old have the surprising abilities to distinguish shapes, sizes and colours. Now, a study indicates infants can even make simple mathematical calculations.

US scientists postulate the Barosaurus needed more than one heart to pump blood throughout its 15 metre height

A molecular theory is being put forward to explain why water behaves the way it does, but proof still eludes the researchers.

Research shows that a warmer earth may not melt polar ice and cause sea levels to rise, as has been feared so far.

BEANS are one of the few crops grown for beauty as well as nutrition. Archaeologists in South America have excavated beautiful, multicoloured bean seeds buried with Indians 10,000 years ago. Analysis

THE DISCOVERY that bird brains call appreciate the finer nuances of music has a learn of scientists harmonising at Rockefeller University in New York. The scientists, led 13, Claudio Mello, have

Environment ministry guidelines state that many of the adverse impacts of thermal plants can be foreseen and minimised through judicious siting, preventive and control

Biotechnology, which holds the answers to many persistent problems such as controlling disease and increasing food production, has tremendous potential in cash strapped India. But to succeed, it needs a helping hand from industry.
