A technique developed to fight tumours in rats may one day be used to treat humans

Computers and satellites will soon be used by transport authorities in USA and Europe to provide commuters a reprieve from traffic congestion

Plants grow taller and faster if sprayed with a solution of methanol, claims an American farmer

EVER SINCE man realised that sex is not limited to procreation, he has experimented with various concoctions to increase his libido. For scientists, however, aphrodisiacs such as ginseng and the

Biologists have found that some fish evolved into warm blooded creatures because their adventurous ancestors were exposed to large temperature variations.

AFTER ten years of frustrating toil, a band of gene-hunters from USA and the UK have at last nabbed the gene that causes Huntington's disease, a debilitating disorder of the nerves. The

ALL THROUGH the second half of the 20th century, whenever Western governments have seen their industries lagging behind globally, they have resorted to updating their technology policies. The result

THE INTERNATIONAL Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) in London has been conducting research on environment- and development-related policy issues for the past 20 years. Policies for a

An American ornithologist says he has found fresh evidence that the world's oldest bird like creature, the Archaeopteryx, was undoubtedly a bird. But not all scientists are convinced.

The berries of an Ethiopian plant have been found to be effective against mussels, which are carriers of the schistosomiasis parasite.
