Global environmental concerns throw open the South to Northern intervention, whereas the South has limited interest in intervening in Northern affairs. After Rio, the South finds all the cards stacked against it.

John Major's Conservative government is learning the hard way that a free market economy alway works better anywhere but at home.

In the new environment sensitive atmosphere after Rio, two Northern agencies that aid research projects in the developing world are being compelled to question the dimensions of their role.

The proposal for setting up a Commission for Sustainable Development, considered one of Rio's successes, is already caught in a dispute over size, composition and status.

Africa's success at Rio summit in securing international support for a proposed desertification convention seems to be short lived as Northern governments show reluctance to provide funds.

EVERY time an American family decides to take its car out, the resulting carbon dioxide adds to the existing stock in the atmosphere for at least a hundred years. When the polar cap cannot

THE CONFERENCE has just ratified the Earth Charter, the name of which has been changed to the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development at the behest of developing countries. This puts

Source: Centre for Science and Environment.

While heads of state deliberated on the future of the world at the Riocentro, social activists and NGOs expressed their sense of frustration over the dominant paradigm of development. They represented sharply differing perspectives

Funds, always a sticky subject, was an area of considerable debate at UNCED. What emerged was a weak compromise which left northern purses relatively untapped
