Enable Block: 

Oil storage tanks ruptured by hurricane Katrina are estimated to have dumped around 14 millions litres (ml) of crude oil into the Lower Mississippi river and surrounding wetlands in Louisiana,

The present study has been carried out to estimate the phytoplankton diversity of Neyyar and Karamana rivers with special reference to aquatic nutrients. This type of study is relevant since these rivers form the source of water for public distribution system.

The rivers draining the Gangetic plains exhibit remarkable geomorphic diversity, and this has consequently characterized the rivers to be dominantly aggradational in the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) and degradational in the Western Gangetic Plains. We suggest that steam power and sediment supply are the two main fluvial parameters which govern the aggradation or degradation in river systems which, in turn, are controlled by inherent catchment parameters such as rainfall and tectonics. The

Karnataka in ecological fix

MoEF falls far short of tenth Five Year Plan targets

chineseprime minister Wen Jiabao's four-day visit to India from April 9-12, 2005 opened hitherto unexplored vistas of friendship between the two nations, albeit driven by economic and strategic considerations. The world's most populous nations established the India-China Strategic and Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Prosperity, a giant step for improving bilateral relations.

Dam authorities don t think of those living downstream

• Ensure all waste, legal and illegal, is trapped and treated to keep the drain clean
• Augment and optimise treatment facilities, where needed, to treat this waste. Appropriate technologies of scale (centralised or local) should be adopted
• Ensure treated effluent is reused and not mixed with untreated effluent before it flows to river

But the Maharashtra government still wants to divert surplus water to dry areas

Chennai, crippled by water crisis, is also a metaphor for what Indian cities are experiencing in sourcing and managing the most precious natural resource: water. An in depth analysis
