USA, Japan and the European Community have together pledged a total of US $75 million to the establishment of an International Science and Technology Centre in Moscow which will provide

Act 1 (18 April): Yeltsin suspends rocket technology transfer to India following the threat of sanctions by USA. Act 11 (26 April): Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao assures Parliament

What will happen now to the Tehri dam? Even as engineers and environmentalists await the Prime Minister's verdict on the project, the proposed dam has been hit by yet another tremor the drying up of Soviet funds

This report is intended to serve as a reference source of the mineral resources of Afghanistan, the possibilities of their exploitation, needs for further exploration and strategies and policies that Afghanistan might employ to develop its mineral resources with the support of bilateral assistance, regional and worldwide development institutions

Calculated loading rates of trace metals into the three environmental compartments demonstrate that human activities now have major impacts on the global and regional cycles of most of the trace elements. There is significant contamination of freshwater resources and an accelerating accumulation of toxic metals in the human food chain.

29 Sep 2014


The focus on current and per capita emissions has not led to the desired results




17 Dec 2012

cop18The Doha climate conference stretched beyond deadline but ended in what can best be described a nail-biting finish.

??Plans for undersea nuclear power reactors around the coast of France could see a boom in uptake of th

India and Russia have decided to work together in the field of nuclear commerce. The two countries will help set up smaller nuclear power plants in South Asian countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, sources said.

With no signs of a respite in oil prices and given India
