This WHO UNFCCC health and climate change country profile for Sao Tome and Principe provides a summary of available evidence on climate hazards, health vulnerabilities, health impacts and progress to date in health sector efforts to realize a climate-resilient health system.

Coastal communities and marine ecosystems can benefit from climate-smart agriculture practices, according to the findings of a new report from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Scientists have called for quick, multi-institutional collaboration and co-ordinated action against the fall armyworm that has ravaged maize to avoid economic hardship for smallholders in the regio

A new report by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) confirms the important role that the world’s biodiversity plays in ensuring the future of sustainable agricultural development.

Central African countries have launched an ambitious coordinated plan to combat poaching in the region, in the face of escalating wildlife crime and accompanying violence.