AHEAD of the August round of negotiations at Bonn, the BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) countries will meet in Rio de Janeiro in late July. This will be the third quarterly meeting of the four countries. It is expected that the other developing countries will be invited to take part in the deliberations.

The drab and dull climate meetings in Bonn finally saw some sparks of excitement on Thursday when the grouping of small island states sparred with oil producing nations led by Saudi Arabia over the need to have a scientific evaluation done on options for restricting the global rise in temperatures to within 1.5 degree from pre-industrial levels.

A NEW line of division has appeared in the climate change negotiations, this time on the issue of a temperature threshold of 1.5 degrees Centrigrade.

As Saudi Arabia

The main objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate road traffic noise in the City of Al-Dammam. Digital sound level meters with frequency weighting networks were used in this study. All measurements were taken on an A weighting frequency network, at a height of about 1.5 m from ground and on a fast range time weighting.

Water and sediment samples were takes near the sewage discharge point on the eastern Red Sea Coast of Jeddah and analyzed for PAH and fecal sterols like coprostanol, cholesterol and cholestanol. PAH were estimated

Saudi Arabia's civil defence said Thursday that 77 people were killed in intense flooding in Jeddah and nearby areas, and that scores could still be missing. Jeddah civil defence spokesman Abduallah al-Omary said most of the deaths occurred in vulnerable areas in the city's eastern and southern districts after a downpour on Wednesday.

Unsatisfied with merely halting environmental destruction, some conservationists are trying to reconstruct ecosystems of the past. Emma Marris travels back in time with the rewilders.

Waves and ripples at a distance. A promise of relief for the parched throat. A herd of camels splash and spill water under their hoofs. We reached them after a long drive. But there was not a drop of water. The camels hesitated a moment, then continued their trudge. At some distance, again water splashed under their hooves. A lakeshore. Waves were playing tender music. Some animals,

Pakistan has received an application from Saudi government for buying around 500,000 acres of farmland on lease to produce variety of crops and fruits for the Middle East consumers.
