Electronic cigarettes are widely promoted and used to help smokers quit traditional cigarettes, but a new analysis from UC San Francisco found that adult smokers who use e-cigarettes are actually 2

However, long-term study required to establish beedi as a causative factor

In the present study, researchers aimed to determine the effect of both active and passive smoking on the prevalence of the hearing impairment and the hearing thresholds in different age groups through the analysis of data collected from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).

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Despite reports suggesting e-cigarettes are just as bad for you as cigarettes, some scientists are actively denying the claim.

More than a million people in England are living with a chronic lung disease linked to smoking, Public Health England (PHE) reported Tuesday.

Asthma rates in U.S. children have quieted down after a decades-long increase, a government study found, and researchers are trying to pinpoint reasons that would explain the trend.

Careless smokers who drop their unwanted cigarette butts on the ground could face fines under new laws in Italy.

Cigarette consumption in India is falling steadily even as the number of women smokers is rising, making it home to the second largest number of female smokers after the United States.

Malaysia's National Fatwa Council has issued a fatwa declaring the use of electronic cigarettes as 'haram' or forbidden for Muslims.

When cigarette smoke is blown into the environment, its chemical constituents don't just vanish into thin air.
