The Sindh government has decided to declare water theft a non-bailable offence and until a law is passed by the assembly, which is not in session, an ordinance will be promulgated soon to eliminate

Pakistan’s first-ever Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) report was launched on Monday focusing on federal and provincial budgetary allocations for climate change.

Pakistan is assessed to be one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change with particulate threats to water, energy and food security, according to United Nations Development P

Sri Lanka's President Maithreepala Sirisena says the conservation of the national forests and protecting the environment are among the government's foremost challenges and therefore among the top p

Despite numerous humanitarian efforts the long-standing crisis of chronic malnutrition in Pakistan still looms big.

The massive Mw = 7.8 earthquake which rocked the Nepal Himalaya on 25 April 2015 is the largest to have occurred in this region in the past 81 years. This event occurred by slip on a ~150 km long and 55 km wide, shallow dipping (~5) segment of the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), causing the Himalaya to lurch southwestward by 4.8  1.2 m over the Indian plate. The main shock ruptured the frictionally locked segment of the MHT, initiating near the locking line and rupturing all the way updip close to its surface expression near the foothills of the Himalaya.

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) of Comilla EPZ today (Monday), according to a statement.

Village pipe water supply project remains inoperative for years in Nilphamari district.

The deputy commissioner (DC) of Dhaka district has decided to form a task force of concerned government authorities to protect against environmental pollution, especially water pollution, air pollu

Eight thousand six hundred and fifty-four (8,654) people have died and twenty-two thousand and fifty-three (22,053) injured due to the earthquake.
