Three rooms of London's Lisson Gallery are currently home to 21 blocks of recycled human waste.&nbsp I walk in between them, passing my fingers over the surface of one, round the corner of

One doesn't usually associate medical and scientific journals with anti-poverty campaigns. But more than 200 such journals from 34 nations ran simultaneous articles on a range of poverty and

the Union Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers is deliberating on a mechanism to promote neem-coated fertili

DTE tracks the developments in Sukhomajri which became a model of self-reliant development in the 1980s due to successful management of ecological wealth by HRMS. But the situation has changed now. The forest department has hijacked the forest created by the villagers, while control of water is going into private hands.

Bunga took the sukhomajri story forward The first village to follow Sukhomajri's development model was Bunga, just 30 km away in Haryana's Panchkula district (see timeline: Divergent trajectories).

Government must facilitate, not control The experiences of Sukhomajri and Bunga have a lesson: given the right conditions, external and internal, villages can be self-sustaining. But their inherent

compensating people for conservation is happening at a regional scale. Local residents of Jamestown in Rhode Island, us, are paying farmers to delay haying their fields until after birds have

Mine workers in different parts of Rajasthan have got together to form cooperative. ARCHI RASTOGI visits them and finds that these cooperative are an entreprenurial success RUN PDS SHOP IN

>> Viacom on March 13 slapped a billion-dollar lawsuit against Google and its affiliate YouTube in New York. It accuses the video-sharing website of massive copyright infringement. It alleges that

THE focal theme this year at the 94th Indian Science Congress was
