In 2006-2007, a bamboo species will flower over vast swathes of Mizoram, Tripura and Assam. When bamboo flowers, it dies; usually a famine follows. How prepared, asks nitin sethi, is northeast India this time? Can they turn dis
The bamboo industry in India has an industry growth rate ranging between 15 and 20 per cent. The tallest grass has nearly 1,500 recorded uses ranging from medicines and handicrafts to construction.
Whenever the Supreme Court pulls the trigger, why does it miss the target? Because governments like those of the seven Northeast states work hard to defeat every good intention. The apex court imposed an interim ban on felling in forests on December 1
if the drought-like situation persists in Tripura, there is a danger of the state facing a famine. Three members of a tribal family at Wakhiraipara in west Tripura have already committed suicide