Choosing to cycle once a day can reduce an individual’s carbon emissions by 67%! Cycles also represent an accessible, sustainable mode of travel to a majority of the Indian population, most of them using the vehicle for livelihood. But, that’s not all. Cycles also empower women, and possess the ability to bridge the gender gap on our streets.

This report provides scenarios for future transport demand and CO2 emissions in Southeast Asia up to 2050 to help decision-makers chart pathways to sustainable, resilient transport. The scenarios reflect existing policy initiatives and specific constraints in the region.

A green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Asia has the potential to create $172 billion in investment opportunities annually and generate more than 30 million jobs by 2030, according to a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report.

Across the developing world, countries are experiencing rapid growth in urbanization and motorization.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted passenger transport in Asian cities. It is accelerating the growth of private car and motorbike use and diminishing the viability of public transport as the backbone of sustainable urban development across Asia in the long run.

Madagascar remains to exploit agglomeration economies and urbanization economies to sustain more rigorous economic growth. After several political and economic crises, Madagascar restored its modest but steady growth path with an average growth rate of 3.5 percent in the last 5 years (before the COVID-19 pandemic).

This study aims to reveal the traditional relationships between various transport modes and discuss how barriers can be broken down to welcome the advent of a new paradigm for smart mobility.

This report identifies trends, principles, and strategies for future transport in Asia and the Pacific with a view to 2030 and 2050. Transport projects need to be designed for tomorrow's reality, not today's.

This book is interdisciplinary and provides cross-sectoral and multi-dimensional exploration of sustainable development and transportation in South Africa.

The government is preparing a first-of-its-kind bill offering protection to pedestrians and cyclists, which will also ensure their rights in all cities of Karnataka.
