Ganga Action Plan

the Himachal Pradesh High Court recently ordered the expansion of Ranbaxy's fermentation plant in Ganguwala village in the Sirmaur district to be stopped. The order came after residents of the

In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, a woman was prosecuted in London for throwing rotting food into a recycling bin. She was, however, acquitted after councils failed to prove their

Kanjumarg will aggravate Mumbai s waste crisis

Lake Victoria, the world's second largest fresh-water lake, is threatened by uncontrolled flow of pollutants into its waters, researchers warned recently. The lake spreads across Tanzania, Uganda and MAKING WASTE COUNT Are you looking for any used item

The European Commission (ec) recently decided to take legal action against the uk, which for three years has repeatedly breached a European Union (eu) law that forbids the discharge of raw sewage

spilling on oysters: The Far North District Council of New Zealand said it will spend US $3.6 million to reduce the risk of sewage spills in the environmentally sensitive areas of Paihia, Haruru

Goa units caught dumping

what a waste: For the past two months, 11-year-old Tsheten Dorji is being treated for third-degree burns he received from chemical waste dumped by factories in Balujhora in Bhutan's Pasakha town.
