There's garbage in your greens. That fresh cucumber in your salad or your dose of green leafy veggies could well have been grown using raw sewage discharge.

New Delhi: The first woman chief executive officer that Delhi Jal Board has ever had, Debashree Mukherjee has taken over the reins of the organization just before it enters its critical summer peri

Untreated waste water is a health hazard. Nonetheless, it should be considered a resource. Unless it is recycled and re-used, it will be impossible to provide all people in the cities of developing countries with safe drinking water. The example of India shows that agglomerations cannot get ever more fresh water from ever farther away.

Natural gas is poised to enter a golden age, but this future hinges critically on the successful development of the world’s vast unconventional gas resources. North American experience shows unconventional gas – notably shale gas –can be exploited economically. Many countries are lining up to emulate this success.

The Delhi Jal Board (DJB) on Wednesday received an additional Rs 400 crore in its pocket, with eyes on big investments in constructing new and rehabilitating the existing sewerage network in the ci

Bangalore city with an extent of 800 sq. km, located at more than 920 m amsl, forming part of the catchments of Arkavati river to the west and Ponnaiyar river (South Pinakini) to the east. Bangalore city forming a part of the semi-arid tract is in the agro-climatic environs of Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka. The area is drained by first to fourth-order streams, among which the first and second-order streams predominate.

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India, to put it euphemistically, is awash in its own ‘crap’ — a word derived from old Dutch to mean excrement.

Groundwater levels in the state are receding at an alarming rate. While groundwater in many areas was already in the ‘critical’ category earlier, village after village in the state is now nose-diving into the ‘over exploited’ category when it comes to harvesting groundwater.

This perilous status of groundwater in AP has been conveyed to the authorities by the groundwater department. What is worrying the experts is that while on one hand, despite the rains, there is little recharge of groundwater due to massive urbanisation, on the other hand, rampant deep borewell drilling continues to lead to depletion of groundwater resources.

London: British scientists claim they are developing a unique device which can turn used toilet waste into drinking water.

The meat processing industry is entering uncharted waters as governments worldwide introduce carbon pricing regimes and expand community awareness about which industries are posing environmental challenges in terms of air and water purity. Meat processing - including cattle, sheep, pig and poultry plants will attract attention as we move further into the current decade, both in terms of its energy use to produce steam and hot water, for example, and for quality of its wastewater and its emissions to air.
