New Delhi Water should be appropriately priced for the industry to sustain high growth and to ensure its efficient use, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said today. "There should not be any reluctance in dealing with water pricing when you are dealing with the industry," he told reporters at a Ficci event.

At present, water is highly under-priced for agricultural and industrial use. He further said, "If we want to sustain high growth the for the next 10 or 20 years, then there is simply no doubt that we can not continue to use water as inefficiently as we are doing".

The fundamental challenge facing Karachi is a disorganised, ill-coordinated institutional and governance framework with substantial capacity deficits, according to a recent study assessing the city

A major NSW regional council has introduced a supernatant recycling system into the filtration plant in the town water supply, helping to conserve potable water and provide substantial water savings over the long term. The Bathurst Regional Council recycle system, installed by Ted Wilson & Sons of Blayney using equipment supplied by CST Wastewater Solutions, recovers and disinfects the filter backwash water at the plant.

A major steel plant on the east coast of Sweden has recently installed a new rolling mill. In conjunction with this, they've introduced the principle of 100% recycling of both the process water and slag resulting from the cooling process. As part of their effort to implement this, they've installed a DynaSand filtration plant.

The report aims to provide a conceptual framework to address food security under conditions of water scarcity in agriculture.

Previous Government attempts to clean up the River Ganga have failed due to political, technical, and scientific reasons, according to Dr Devendra S Bhargava, a former professor of environmental en

The eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has made obvious progress on pollution control, and will achieve its ambitious goal of supplying clean water next year, authorities s

The concern of Hegde and Subhash Chandra about the environment and cost economics of river diversion schemes is
commendable; however, given the limitations of the proposals recommended by the authors, the river diversion schemes
could be inevitable for the reasons mentioned in this note. In addition, it is pertinent to look at the water problem from
a river basin perspective where better options with long-term perspectives can be searched to manage the water crisis of
Bangalore city.

Says CSE Report Based On Review Of 900 Haryana Projects.

NCR builders fudge water usage data, finds Centre for Science and Environment
