Watershed prioritization has gained importance in natural resources management, especially in the context of watershed management, especially in the context of watershed management. Morphometric analysis has been commonly applied to prioritization of watersheds.

A statistical downscaling known for producing station-scale climate information from GCM output was preferred to evaluate the impacts of climate change within the Mount Makiling forest watershed, Philippines. The lumped hydrologic BROOK90 model was utilized for the water balance assessment of climate change impacts based on two scenarios (A1B and A2) from CGCM3 experiment.

This report estimates the overall size and scope of the payments directed to protect or restore watershed services and accounts for the full spectrum of watershed services.  Also looks at the opportunities and challenges based on the current level of transactions, experimentation and lessons learned.

<p>While management of natural resources is crucial, micro finance is a catalyst for achieving sustainable agriculture. The experience of HIH shows how micro finance has played a supportive role in the ecological journey of a large number of farmers in Tamil Nadu.<br />

DINDIGUL: A special watershed development project will be implemented by the Gandhigram Trust at Thottanuthu village an estimated cost of Rs.62.56 lakh with community participation. The trust will act as facilitator and only villagers will implement the entire project, in three years.

Parinathi, a Non Government Organisation is bringing smiles on the faces of farmers in 5 GPs of Kadur taluk by providing technical assistance.

Landscape changes were measured in two watersheds of western Himalayas over a period of 17 years using satellite images. Whereas the total forest cover was found to have been altered, there was substantial shift

We report here an attempt to develop a Database Management System (DBMS) of bio-geo-hydrometeorological parameters needs of the stakeholders
of local level planning for a representative watershed (viz. the Khulgad in Almora district) of Kumaun, Lesser Himalayan terrain in the Uttarakhand. The Khulgad DBMS is constituted of five Geographic Information System (GIS) modules.

An evaluation for the development work done in the two watersheds, viz. Bunga and Dabkauri in Panchkula District, Haryana was carried out for 2004 and 2007. Satellite digital data of LISS-IV sensor for 2004 and

This report by ACWADAM is a synopsis of the hydrogeological study carried out for Bird-K in Pavagada, Sira and Bagepalli areas, Tumkur District, Karnataka. The study aimed at an impact analysis of recharge through borewells as well as suggesting new sites for the same.
