As many as 1,224 tanks from 9 districts will be developed at a cost of Rs 306 crore under the second stage of the Watershed Project, announced Minister for Smalla Irrigation Govind Karajol.

He was speaking ata press meet here on Sunday. Under the world bank project following developing of 1224 tanks, 97,000 hectares of catchment area will be stabilised, he said.

Charanjit Ahuja

The move will earn HP the tag of first carbon-neutral state in Asia: The World Bank has agreed to sanction $450-million loan for promoting sustainable environmental growth in Himachal Pradesh. The loan will enable Himachal to become first carbon-neutral state in Asia.

This document contains the presentation by Omvir Singh, Anil Beniwal, Milap C. Sharma & et al on Variability and trends in temperature, precipitation and discharge in a lesser Himalayan watershed, presented at National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

Current policies on upland agriculture need reviewing in light of recent research that shows that slash-and-burn farming systems are not only more sustainable than other systems but could also play a better role in sustaining downstream hydropower and river delta rice-bowls.

Elected officials and managers are both integral players in natural resource management. Politicians and technicians recognize that interdependencies exist, but finding organizational models that effectively integrate the distinct political and technical aspects of these endeavors remains a challenge.

Young farmers in Ratnagiri are successfully preserving the unique diversity of the region by integrating small scale agriculture with livestock production.

Bilaspur: The World Bank financed Mid-Himalayan Watershed Development Project, which is being implemented in 602 gram panchayats of 10 districts in the state with active cooperation of villagers for uplift of their economy, has proved beneficial in solving various problems of the agrarian economy the state.

Several projects are being implemented in Bhopal district under Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission for proper use of rainwater and increasing groundwater table in the rural areas. Implementation of these projects has yield encouraging results.

Eminent soil scientist and former executive director of MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, M. Velayutham today stressed on the need to set up a state farmers

The comparative assessment of morphologic runoff and annual silt load from micro-watersheds can help in establishing relationships between these parameters with objectives of controlling runoff, conservation of soil, reduction of reservoir silt load and enhanced groundwater resources in the micro-watersheds.
