Ishita Ayan Dutt / Kolkata December 7, 2009, 0:05 IST

When US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on her visit to ITC

Chander Shekhar Sharma | Hamirpur

The Mid-Himalayan Watershed Project has caused the Himachal Pradesh gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to shoot upto 9 per cent. The watershed project has been launched in the State by the World Bank.

The planning of conservation measures to conserve water and soil resources taking hydrological planning unit as micro-watershed is considered to be effective.

The paper reviews contentious issues related to water governance in the Narmada river basin like the riparian rights of States over apportionment of the use of the waters for large dam-centered canal irrigation and hydro-electric power development and the later disputes around the appropriateness of this model of development given the tremendous environmental and social costs associated with it.

This work introduces a new approach to integrating the discharges of industrial processes with macroscopic watershed systems.

The second national workshop of the NRLP research project, held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, on April 8-9, 2009, mainly focused on strategic issues of Indian irrigation that require immediate attention. The issues highlighted at the workshop contribute to a cluster of short- to long-term strategies for a perspective plan for the Indian water sector.

This paper discusses the results from on-farm community watersheds through groundwater management as the drivers for sustainable management of watersheds dry land areas. The issues of sustainable development and management of the groundwater resource through integrated watershed management (IWM) approach are also dealt relative to food production and security.

This publication comprises the proceedings of the UNESCO Chair Workshop on "International Strategy for Sustainable Groundwater Management: Transboundary Aquifers and Integrated Watershed Management" held on 6 October 2009 at the Laboratory of Advanced Research A, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba City, Japan in conjunction with the JSPS-DGHE Joint Research Project Meeting.

This guide addresses the linkages between drinking water, biological diversity and development/poverty alleviation. It aims to raise awareness of sustainable approaches to managing drinking water that have been tested globally. The guide introduces the available techniques, technologies and procedures that optimize social and environmental outcomes in the management of drinking water.

A study was undertaken in the Kothi watershed of Himachal Pradesh with a view to understand the patterns in vegetation distribution and impact of livestock grazing in the mountain ecosystems of the higher Himalaya. The study results in the documentation of 243 species of vascular plants distributed over 57 families and 160 genera.
