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Burning chillies can deter elephants from ravaging crops in African and Asian communities, according to a new study involving a University of Stirling researcher.

Kenya Wildlife Service rangers on Tuesday arrested three suspected poachers and impounded 14 pieces of ivory weighing 58kgs.

TheRegional Tourism Office in Northern Region has expressed concern over the wanton cutting down of trees at Misuku Hills in Chitipa, saying the malpractice is endangering the survival and preserva

Trophy hunters, as well as poachers who “harvest” the big males—antelopes and deer with the largest horns and antlers, elephants with the longest tusks, or lions with the most impressive manes—are

Hunters tend to target the animals that have largest tusks, horns or antlers, and this could be a disaster for wild populations AFP/Getty Images

An EU ban on the import of wild birds has cut the trade globally by 90 per cent, according to a new study.

A new study says that an EU ban on the trade in wild birds has helped reduce the global business by 90%.

Repeated searches of markets on the dark web have found negligible trace of illegal wildlife products.

Repeated searches of markets on the dark web have found negligible trace of illegal wildlife products.

Kenya is among countries where trafficking in wildlife trophies is rampant, a new report indicates.
