Question raised in Rajya Sabha on impact of coronavirus on solar industry, 03/03/2020. A total of 8004.64 MW of renewable energy capacity has been installed during the period from April 2019 to January, 2020 as compared to 5978.47 MW installed during the same period during the financial year 2018-19.

India has committed itself to rapid and large-scale renewable energy (RE) capacity addition. As part of its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, India intends to achieve a 40% share of installed power generation capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 (UNFCCC NDC Registry 2017).

As the renewable energy sector matures, policies must be adapted to reflect changing market conditions. With the increasing use of auctions, policymakers seek to procure renewables-based electricity at the lowest price and also fulfil socio-economic objectives.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shankarlal Gopalbhai Patel Vs Union of India & Others dated 29/01/2020 regarding damage caused to the flora, fauna and ecology of the Kutch region particularly in Sangnara village, due to alleged rampant illegal felling of trees for construction of wind farms by M/s. Green Infra Wind Energy Limited, and seven wind energy companies.

Investment in renewables must accelerate rapidly, with all available capital sources being activated to finance the transformation of the global energy system.

Many Arab countries, despite currently low to negligible renewable energy use, have set ambitious targets to increase their shares of renewables. Yet power-system planning is frequently constrained by cost implications and the lack of first-hand experience with renewables.

The world’s existing electricity systems were designed mainly for conventional, centralised power generation. Large plants have generated the bulk of electricity, frequently based on fossil fuels, and dispatched it to consumers based on relatively inflexible schedules.

Wind energy, like other parts of the global energy industry, remains largely male-dominated. Yet opportunities exist to improve the gender balance, make greater use of women’s skills, and entrench wind power as part of an inclusive and sustainable energy system for the future.

The Wind and Hybrid Energy Policy, 2019 promotes developing new wind as well as hybrid projects, repowering of existing wind projects and hybridisation of existing wind and solar power plants. The policy will also promote blending of renewable power with thermal power, thus helping in reducing fuel consumption and carbon-emission.

The Wind and Hybrid Energy Policy, 2019 promotes developing new wind as well as hybrid projects, repowering of existing wind projects and hybridisation of existing wind and solar power plants. The policy will also promote blending of renewable power with thermal power, thus helping in reducing fuel consumption and carbon-emission.
