This report presents data from the Rwanda impact evaluation baseline survey. It describes the pre-programme baseline situation, looking at primary outcomes as well as other variables of interest. The report begins by reviewing the methodology of the evaluation, its design and randomization strategy.

Currently, there is no standard set of social norms indicators for food security and nutrition. Practical guidance and examples of such indicators are also lacking. This guide helps fill this gap by providing assistance on formulating indicators to measure changes in gendered social norms in the context of food security and nutrition.

Based on the results of a survey conducted in October-November 2021, this report provides an analysis of the level of awareness and penetration of the SDGs among GCNJ member companies and organisations, as well as progress on five of the global goals: SDG 5, (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Human Rights), SDG 13 (Climate Change), and SD

The publication “Youth in India 2022” portrays overall status of youth through important statistical indicators of socio-economic relevance as derived data in the public domain of different Ministries/Departments/ Organizations.

Nearly a third of all women in developing countries start having children at the age of 19 or younger, and nearly half of first births to adolescents, are to children or girls aged 17 or under, reveals this new research by the UNFPA.

This is the twenty-second volume of the publication on Indicators on Gender, Poverty, the Environment and Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries by the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank Group.

Increasingly, collective calls for participative, integrated and sustainable approaches to marine and coastal science and management are met with calls for gender inclusiveness, mainstreaming and sensitivity across the environment and development agendas.

Choosing to cycle once a day can reduce an individual’s carbon emissions by 67%! Cycles also represent an accessible, sustainable mode of travel to a majority of the Indian population, most of them using the vehicle for livelihood. But, that’s not all. Cycles also empower women, and possess the ability to bridge the gender gap on our streets.

The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards gender parity in education with respect to access, attainment and learning. It showcases the results of a new model that provides coherent estimates, combining multiple sources of information, on completion rates.

Africa is facing a crisis of extreme inequality which is undermining growth, preventing poverty eradication and contributing to insecurity. The six richest African billionaires are now wealthier than the poorest 50% of Africans combined.
