This study attempted to examine the emerging structure in, pattern and growth of agro industries, capital investment, output, production technologies, employment contribution, linkages in supply of raw material from the farmers, arrangements of marketing the final products, contribution and impact of agro processing industries in increasing inco

How do mass slum resettlement programmes in expanding megacities contribute to the reproduction of urban poverty? Chennai's premier resettlement colony, Kannagi Nagar, housing slum-dwellers evicted from the city since 2000 has integrated itself into the industrial, commercial and software economies of the information technology corridor on unfavourable terms, swelling the supply of unskilled casual workers for local firms.

In a setback to the statewide door-to-door cancer awareness and symptom-based early detection campaign, which begins from December 1, over 900 ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) workers of th

The 2013 World Development Report on Jobs will help explain and analyze the connection between jobs and important dimensions of economic and social development.

This is the draft MGNREGA operational guidelines for suggestions/observations of State Government. The MGNREGA has given rise to the largest employment programme in human history and is unlike any other wage employment programme in its scale, architecture and thrust.

Trends in employment and unemployment in India, as presented by the quinquennial surveys of the National Sample Survey Office for the past decades, have raised many questions for which there are no easy answers. This paper attempts to address some missing links. With the help of time use statistics, it argues that the missing labour force does not imply withdrawal of women (and maybe some men) from the labour market. A large part of the missing labour is missing only from the NSSO data but is very much there in the labour force - though a small part may be due to withdrawal.

Pulling up the central government for “fooling the people of this country by not bringing in a concrete law to prohibit manual scavenging”, the Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the government if a Bi

Unless the problems of exploitation and oppression of workers are addressed, labour unrest will continue to spread. (Editorial)

The events of 18 July in the Manesar plant of Maruti Suzuki which ended with the murder of a company manager were not a sudden confl agration. Anger at the plant had been building up for months over the management's refusal to recognise an elected union; workers were increasingly frustrated over their inability to exercise their constitutional rights and the demand of equal pay for equal work was falling on deaf ears.

This book provides case studies from China, South Korea, India and Indonesia disclosing the ugly face of CSR. Says that for many large MNCs, the CSR is primarily a strategy to divert attention away from the negative social and environmental impacts of their activities.
