The Central Zoo Authority (CZA), while approving the Rs 434-crore Byculla zoo makeover plan on Tuesday, stipulated that no tree be felled and no heritage structure be disturbed in the process. "We have studied the masterplan and have decided to approve it now. But in the interest of concerned citizens, we've maintained that not one tree be brought down during the modernisation of the zoo,' said B R Sharma, member secretary of the CZA. Incidentally, the BMC had recently mentioned that only diseased trees would be uprooted. While the CZA had earlier shown reservation to this condition, Sharma now stated that they would allow the BMC to make internal decision as long as their main conditions are adhered to. The long wait over, the BMC is now geared up to put the mega revamp plan

The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) here has taken up a project for setting up a butterfly park-cum-garden with insect museum at Arignar Anna Zoological Park at Vandalur, 40 km from Chennai. The idea behind the project, sanctioned by the Department of Tourism and Culture, Tamil Nadu, was to generate conservation awareness among the visitors to the park, Dr C Ramasamy, TNAU ViceChancellor, said in a release on Monday.The garden would be a facility created through careful choice of host plants and habitat so as to exhibit butterflies in the natural settings. The area would be landscaped to create different butterfly habitats such as open areas, bushes, streams, waterfalls and rock gardens The Tamil Nadu Agric- ultural University (TNAU) here has taken up a project for setting up a butterfly park-cum-gar- den with insect museum at Arignar Anna Zoolo- gical Park at Vandalur, 40 km from Chennai. The idea behind the project, sanctioned by the Department of Tourism and Culture, Tamil Nadu, was to generate conserva- tion awareness among the visitors to the park, Dr C Ramasamy, TNAU Vice- Chancellor, said in a release on Monday.The garden would be a facility created through careful choice of host plants and habitat so as to exhibit butterflies in the natural settings. The area would be landscaped to create different butterfly habitats such as open areas, bush- es, streams, waterfalls and rock gardens.

A zoo in Vietnam has admitted that it auctioned two dead Indochinese tigers (Panthera tigris corbetti) to animal traffickers, which wildlife conservationists say is in violation of international

Avian malaria killed two rare Humboldt penguins at the Sedgwick County Zoo in the us. Pathology tests on the penguins confirmed the cause of death, which occurred just days after the new exhibit

>> Germans have found a novel way of recycling thousands of used and unsold Christmas trees: to give them to the local zoo to feed the animals. "Elephants around the country will have a delicious

• Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo has reinstated three senior civil servants, suspended for their involvement in the dumping of toxic wastes around the capital city of Abidjan, in September

A Thai zoo has announced its unique plan to show "panda pornography' to spark romance between its two giant pandas: Chuang Chuang (a six-year-old male) and Lin Hui (a five-year-old female). The

The results of this study clearly indicate that many of India

Throughout the field notes of the 27 Zoos reviewed in this report, a significant number of common problems were identified. While some of these problems are easily rectified, others are systemic in nature and will require considerable effort to address. In some cases, the conditions encountered in specific

• The Supreme Court has asked the chief secretary of Bihar to file an affidavit regarding the killing of District Forest Officer (DFO) Sanjay Singh by " perhaps those indulging in illegal
