Coal Directory of India provides Coal and Lignite Statistics spreading over eleven sections covering some general economy data, brief history of coal sector in India, present status, reserve, production, dispatches, pit head closing stock, price, export and import, trends of coal consumption in power, steel and cement production, captive coal and lignite blocks, world coal statistics and brief colliery statistics. Coal Directory of India 2015-16 is an exhaustive data-base related to coal and lignite.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) produces comprehensive renewable energy statistics on a range of topics. This publication presents renewable power generation capacity statistics for the last decade (2007-2016) in trilingual tables. Renewable power generation capacity is measured as the maximum net generating capacity of power plants and other installations that use renewable energy sources to produce electricity. For most countries and technologies, the data reflects the capacity installed and connected at the end of the calendar year.

This publication, 24th in the series is an annual publication of CSO and is a continued effort to provide a comprehensive picture of Energy Sector in India. Energy Statistics is an integrated and updated database of reserves, installed capacity, production, consumption, import, export and whole sale prices of different sources viz. coal, crude petroleum, natural gas and electricity. Energy Balance and Sankey Diagram (Energy flow diagram) further aims to enhance its utility.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Open defecation free villages, 27/03/2017. State-wise, number of villages declared open defecation free as on 10th March, 2017 is at Annexure-1. Sanitation Coverage as on 2.10.2014 were 41.64% and 31.82% in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh respectively which has increased to 77.58% and 56.71% respectively as on 23.3.2017. 60% and 31% villages of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF). Also 5 districts of Chhattisgarh and 2 districts of Madhya Pradesh have been declared ODF.

The Compendium of Environment Statistics aims to serve as reference material for environment planners and policy makers as well as other Government and Non-Government organizations and research institutions to increase awareness and knowledge of the environmental situation of the country. The need for improvements in the field of data and statistics to monitor progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the associated need for statistical capacity building in developing countries have been highly recognized.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Wildlife Preservation, 21/03/2017. Local communities are involved in the conservation of wildlife and its habitats by the concerned state and UT Governments as the protection and conservation of wildlife is primarily the responsibility of the concerned State/UT Governments. The State Governments have declared 67 Conservation Reserves and 26 Community Reserves in the country. The list is at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Green Cover, 21/03/2017. As per the study Urban Greening Guidelines, the per capita availability of green space may decline due to increase in urban population. The city wise details are given in Annexure-I. The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) implemented by Ministry of Urban Development has also inter-alia objective of increasing the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces (e.g. parks). The details of funds earmarked for city parks under AMRUT are at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Funds under CAMPA, 21/03/2017. A statement showing the funds released to the State CAMPAs from the year 2009-10 till date, State wise, is at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Funds for Pollution Abatement Schemes, 21/03/2017. State-wise details of funds released to various State Governments under the NRCP/NGRBA during the last three years and current year (till February, 2017) are at Annexure-I. State-wise details of funds released to various State Governments under NPCA during the last three years and current year (till February, 2017) are at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Status of implementation of drinking water and sanitation schemes, 20/03/2017. The State /UT-wise details of implementation of ongoing schemes under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) in the country is at Annexure-I. The Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) (SBM(G)) has been launched on 2nd October, 2014, which aims at attaining Swachh Bharat by 2nd October 2019. The focus of the scheme is on behavior change and usage of toilets. Currently, Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is under implementation in 675 districts.
