Global production of all major wood products grew for the sixth consecutive year in 2015, while trade in wood products decreased slightly, according to new data published by FAO. The increase was mainly boosted by the continuous economic growth in Asia, a recovering housing market in North America and scaling up of the bioenergy targets. In 2015, growth in the production volume of wood products ranged from between one to eight percent, according to the FAO data unveiled.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Waste Management, 14/12/2016. As per the assessment made by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for 2015, the sewage generation in the urban areas of the Country is estimated to be about 61,948 MLD (approx.) and sewage treatment capacity is for 23,277 MLD, which is about 37.6% of the total sewage generation. Further, as per the data available till Oct. 2016, the total amount of solid waste generated in the urban areas of the Country is about 1,58,878 MT/D, of which only 21.45% is being treated, currently.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Funds for afforestation, 12/12/2016. The Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change has two Centrally Sponsored afforestation Schemes (CSS) for environment protection, namely National Afforestation Programme (NAP) Scheme and the Green India Mission (GIM) for afforestation and eco-restoration of degraded forests and adjoining landscapes with participatory approach. The State-wise details of funds released during the financial years 2013-14 to 2016-17-till date under NAP and GIM are given in Annexure-I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Employment and Unemployment Survey, 07/12/2016. Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment conducts Annual Employment-Unemployment Surveys (EUS) to assess the status of employment and unemployment. So far five such surveys have been conducted by Labour Bureau and based on the results, the State-wise Unemployment Rate (UR) according to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (UPSS) approach are enclosed at Annex- I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Employment and Unemployment Survey, 07/12/2016. Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment conducts Annual Employment-Unemployment Surveys (EUS) to assess the status of employment and unemployment. So far five such surveys have been conducted by Labour Bureau and based on the results, the State-wise Unemployment Rate (UR) according to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (UPSS) approach are enclosed at Annex- I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Private Investment in Public Transport, 07/12/2016. Financial assistance provided for public transport and parking projects by Ministry of Urban Development, State and city wise, during last three years and the current year are annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Private Investment in Public Transport, 07/12/2016. Financial assistance provided for public transport and parking projects by Ministry of Urban Development, State and city wise, during last three years and the current year are annexed.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Wildlife Sanctuaries, 06/12/2016. There are 537 wildlife sanctuaries in the country. The State-wise details of wildlife sanctuaries is given at ANNEXURE I. The management of wildlife and its habitat is the mandate of the State Governments. Database of wildlife species found in wildlife sanctuaries is not collated in the Ministry. The State/UT wise fund provided by the Government of India to wildlife sanctuaries in the current year (2016-2017) is at ANNEXURE II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Death of Endangered Animals, 06/12/2016. The number of deaths of endangered animals in the country is not collated at the level of the Ministry. The management of National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, including census of wild animals, control of poaching of wild life, etc., is the responsibility of the respective State/ UT Governments. However, State-wise details of Tiger mortality, as informed by National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) during the last three

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Share of Mining Sector in GDP, 01/12/2016. As per the information available with Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), as on 31.03.2015, there were 3868 mining leases with an area of about 3.40 lakh hectares for minerals (excluding atomic, fuel and minor minerals). The details in this regards are at Annexure I.
The details of production of minerals (coming under the purview of the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988) during the last three years is at Annexure II.
