Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition among women and children, 11/12/2015. As per National Family Health Survey -3 (2005-06), 54.5% under five children belonging to Scheduled Tribes are underweight, 53.9% are stunted and 27.6% are wasted. However, as per the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC), 2013-14, commissioned by Ministry of Women and Child Development, 36.7% under five children belonging to Schedule Tribes are underweight, 42.3% are stunted and 18.7% are wasted, which is a reduction from the previous NFHS-3 levels. The state-wise details are at Annexure-1.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Relief package for drought affected states, 11/12/2015. State Governments are empowered to initiate necessary relief measures from State Disaster relief memorandum from State Governments and in accordance with extant norms and procedures. The details of financial assistance from NDRF for the last two years is annexed. Response Fund (SDRF) which is readily available with them. Additional financial assistance, over and above SDRF, is considered from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) on receipt of drought

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Loss to agriculture due to floods and drought, 11/12/2015. In the eventuality of drought & flood, State Governments are empowered to initiate necessary relief measures from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) which is readily available with them. Additional financial assistance, over and above SDRF, is considered from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) on receipt of drought relief memoranda from State Governments and in accordance with extant norms and procedures.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Non-Communicable Diseases, 11/12/2015. As per World Health Organisation (WHO)’s “Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles 2014”, NCDs are estimated to account for 60 percent of total deaths in India which includes deaths due to Cardiovascular Diseases (26%), Cancer (7%), Chronic Respiratory Diseases (13%), Diabetes (2%) and other NCDs (12%). A statement showing allocation/release and the expenditure reported by the State Governments under NPCDCS for the last three years and current year is at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Water Treatment Plants, 10/12/2015. At the national level, data pertaining to number of various water supply schemes are maintained while the data on water treatment plants is maintained by the respective State / Union Territory Departments dealing with rural drinking water supply. The data collected till date during various discussions, reviews, video conferencing and on Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry, State-wise is annexed.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Funds Utilization Under Poverty Alleviation Programmes, 10/12/2015. This Ministry is implementing National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) with the objective of reducing poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households. The Mission envisages universal Social Mobilization of urban poor into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and their federations. TheState/UT wise funds released and utilized under NULM during the last two years is at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies, 10/12/2015. The Salient Features of Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies are given. The status of projects received, techno-economically cleared, and included under above programmes and funds released during XII Plan is given in Annex-1, 2, 3 and 4.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contaminated Drinking Water, 10/12/2015. The State departments dealing with rural drinking water supply have reported arsenic, fluoride, iron, salinity, nitrate and heavy/toxic elements in some parts of the country with concentrations above prescribed permissible limits in rural drinking water sources. The heavy/toxic elements being reported from the laboratories set up in the country include Manganese, Copper, Aluminum, Mercury, Uranium, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Selenium and Zinc.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Subsidy to Farmers, 08/12/2015. As per the latest Agriculture Census 2010-11, estimated numbers of Marginal (below 1.00 ha.), Small (1.00-2.00 ha.) and Medium including Semi-medium (2.00-10.00 ha.) farmers/operational holdings is given at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Tiger Population, 08/12/2015. The assessment of the status of tigers, co-predators and their prey 2014 using the refined methodology has shown a countrywide 30% increase in tiger numbers with an estimated number of 2226 (range 1945-2491) as compared to 2010 estimation of 1706 (range 1520-1909 tigers). The details of tiger estimation pertaining to tiger landscapes in the country for the years 2010 and 2014 are at Annexure-I.
