UN SECRETARY general Boutros Boutros-Ghali's suggestion that the North and South should share equally the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the

A GOOD night's sleep does wonders -- but not because it rests the tired brain as it has been proved that sleep is yet another form of mental activity. Scientists still have to identify the basic

The American government"s announcement that genetically engineered food will not be tested or labelled has caused much concern among the people.

Mughal builders are known the world over for the Taj Mahal. But their water engineers built a supply system in 1615 that still provides water to a Madhya Pradesh town at no cost.

Known in ancient India as a tree with many wondrous properties, the neem tree is slowly drawing the attention of the country's scientific and entrepreneurial community.

A molecular theory is being put forward to explain why water behaves the way it does, but proof still eludes the researchers.

Africa's success at Rio summit in securing international support for a proposed desertification convention seems to be short lived as Northern governments show reluctance to provide funds.

There has recently been a flurry of international activity centred around the versatile neem.

Though the importance of neem is well known it finds place on the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation's priority list efforts to collect neem germplasm are only now beginning to pick up at an international level.

Arid and semi arid zone trees, especially those belonging to the genera prosopis, have become threatened species.
