CANTON will soon wear a different look as its commuters abandon the traditional bicycle for other modes of transport. In a dramatic step to ease traffic congestion, Cantonese officials intend to

Villagers assert a dam project to provide drinking water to Udaipur city would displace about 12,000 people, and they will oppose it firmly.

RESEARCHERS in New York have given a fillip to the fight against malaria by breaking into the genes of the parasite. The scientists report they have made test-tube clones of the 14 chromosomes, which

Residents of Karad and downstream villages on the Krishna in western Maharashtra had no reason to suspect the efficacy of their new drinking water network. But they are victims now of a jaundice

JAPANESE scientists hail environmental technology as the new frontier of science. Surveyed on breakthroughs they consider likely in the next generation, scientists listed 1,149 topics in 16 fields.

In a ruling that may have far-reaching implications, a Delhi sessions court has banned slaughter of buffalo calves, export of live animals for meat and slaughter of livestock for export as meat.

1998: Substitute for ozone-damaging CFCs 1999: Large volume, coherent optical communication systems 2000: Silicon memory with 1 nanosecond access time 2001: Economical way to remove

Silk has joined carpets on the list of Indian industries that are frowned on in the West because of the extensive use of child labour. The Germans first voiced complaints against the carpet industry,

When Garhchiroli district collector Subrath Rathod seized a truck illegally transporting teak in Maharashtra last September, an enquiry was held and it showed that illegal timber-felling in eastern

Seeking to regain its political base among the tribals in western Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party has switched from championing the World Bank-funded Narmada dam -- its policy when it was
