Among rich countries, Japan is smoker's paradise. More than half of males smoke, vending machines are plentiful indoors and outdoors, and no-smoking areas are a relatively new concept. But it soon is

The number of children exposed to malnutrition is alarmingly increasing in Pabna district. This is mainly due to lack of proper food and necessary treatment for the children and their mothers, said

Rise in the level of vehicle pollution and the consequent degradation of environment has been affecting plants in Chandigarh city. A large number of mango trees in the two kilometre stretch of green

The Haryana Government has decided to supply drinking water to residents of unauthorised colonies in towns through standposts on the pattern of villages. Announcing this today the Haryana Public

The Himachal Pradesh Government has drawn up an ambitious Chamera Reservoir Fishing Development Scheme in the Chamera Lake in the Chandigarh district. Speaking to reporters today, Mr Kishore Lal,

Ladies beware! Your sindoor and bindis might contain toxic substances. Sindoor contains harmful lead oxide and kumkum contains mercury sulphide -both of which are highrly toxic compounds, Mumbai

Study : Several fertiliser projects, both in public and private sectors, involving an estimated cost of Rs 4,179.61 crore under implementation are expected to produce an additional 13.0 lakh tonne

Union minister of state for rural areas and employment Babagouda Patil on Sunday alleged that sub-standard pesticides brought into the country by Indian firms to make a quick buck had ruined the

A leading Indo-Canadian expert on metal-caused ailments says the extensive arsenic ground water contaminaiton in West Bebgal is the worst crisis of its kind he has ever seen. Dr Bidudhendra Sarkar,

Italy's first ever find of a dinosaur fossil comes with something scientists have never seen before : fossilized organs : a
