Bio-technology companies are positioned to do well as the US farmers switch from one crop to another this year in pursuit of maximum profits. Bigger corn and soyabean crops and declining prices would

DUPONT Co, the largest US chemicals company, said it will reorganise to focus on fast-growing agricultural, biotechnology and pharmaceutical businesses. Mr. Charles Holliday, who became Chief

Kaziranga National Park is facing an acute financial crisis which has hampered initiation of long-term measures to stop rhino poaching in the area. According to the forest department sources, the

Prof. H. Shekhar Shetty, department of Biotechnology, University of Mysore, has been awarded the Shri Om Prakash Bhasin award for his outstanding contribution to scientific research during

Orbiting high above earth, Europe's Infrared Space Observatory has discovered water around stars and planets and in many other unexpected places, raising expectations of life elsewhere in the

The menace of high-volume sound systems and loudspeakers, which are a major source of noise pollution, have now come under the watchful eyes of the Supreme

The closure of tanneries during 1996-97 in the wake of orders of the Supreme Court seriously affected the turnover of the Tamil Nadu Leather Development Corporation (TALCO) but made little difference

Brunei shut its airport on Wednesday as thick smog from bush and forest fires cut visibility, authorities

After several years, two of the species-- the Eclutus parrot and the blue-yellow macaw-- have laid eggs which, officials say, have a good chance of hatching-- this would be the first time at the zoo.

A delegation of Indian fish exporters is being sent to Europe on a public relations exercise to defend the quality of its sea food. The campaign in defence of its fish follows a ban on fish imports
