The puckish wit of the actor turned anchorperson in Turning Point has contributed to the popularity of the programme

ADVANCE copies of the World Bank's prestigious World Development Report, 1992, duly printed on recycled paper, focusses on development and environment this year. It came bound with a paper seal

Satyajit Ray"s films showed an extreme sensitivity to the natural world. Yet he was no naturalist. The people he portrayed were carefully situated in their environment

Suddenly padyatras are being used as a new form of social mobilisation, all over the world

MR BUSH says he will go to Rio as he is now satisfied with the global agreement of climate. Nothing can be a sharper indictment of the climate convention. Whereas the world needs long-term

BY coincidence, I happened to read two recent reports together. They were UNFPA's State of the World Population 1992 and Towards a Green World by Anil Agarwal and Sunita Narain. Both are lucidly

An offer of desi ber by a village lad came as a sharp comment on the global politics of biodiversity

Why do women who attempt changes in local land use patterns meet with so much hostility?

ROY, Tisdell and Sen"s book on economic development and the environment is certainly timely, having come out only months before the June UNCED summit at Rio. Interest in the subject is therefore at

THE last thing you would get to know from the US-based World- watch Institute's State of the World 1992 is the state of America's own environment. Instead, you get an update on the rest of
