This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

Lakes and reservoirs are the world

Before a post-Kyoto accord considering all aspects of countries emissions, a first step may be necessary to prepare Chinese and Indian businesses to new economic conditions internalizing the constraints of climate change. Carbon markets serve as a

The Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh is formulated to achieve the objectives: To create an investment-friendly environment in the State for industrial growth in the private/ joint venture / cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh; To generate employment opportunities in the State; To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside invest

This study of sectoral energy sector in India provides sector, country and ultimately global analysis of energy use patterns at the level of subsectors and end uses.Finds that electricity consumption is expected to increase fast, driven by the demand of the residential and commercial sectors that add to the already increasing demand from the industry sector.

The purpose of the new edition is to introduce the basic concepts of water quality and how it is related to ecosystem and human health; and to present an overview and assessments of current and upcoming global water quality issues with examples from around the world.

The State Planning Board, Karnataka, and the Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore had arranged a two day seminar on 11th Five Year Plan of Karnataka: Perspectives, in Bangalore on 4-5 May 2007. The author was invited to make a presentation on Power Sector Reforms in Karnataka to take into account the possible steps during the 11th Plan period.

In view of the growing acceptance of the human cause of Global Climatic Change, and severity of Global Warming the comity of Nations have realized the need for developing new and renewable energy sources (NRES).

In view of the far reaching consequences of climate change in the South Asian region in general, and India, in particular, the present International Conference was organized to address the following: Identify and debate upon the effect of climate change on ecological & socio-economic systems with a focus on biological diversity and food security in the South Asian region; Provide a platform to sci
