Fuel economy: turf war or guerrilla ambush It can get as bad as not having any money left to buy oil. Increased oil demand from rapidly growing cars can make it worse. Yet there is no sign of official agreement on who must take the lead to draft fuel economy regulations for cars to get more miles out of a litre of fuel burnt. When the push for these regulations came about two years ago from

A committee recommends rationalization of diesel and petrol prices The long awaited pricing formula for petroleum products to bail out the oil industry from impending bankruptcy has been tabled. If put into effect this prescription can correct distorted prices of automotive fuels of petrol and diesel and halt misuse of under-taxed and under-priced diesel by the car sector. This is

Energy insecurity is India s latest tryst with her post liberalised destiny. It began in July 2006. Crude oil prices rose to all time peak, at US $79 a barrel. In India, retail prices of petrol and diesel rose, respectively, 59.6 per cent and 78.8 per cen

As overstaffed transport corporations make losses, the government says privatise

Released recently, the Bellagio memorandum advocates best practices for policies on vehicular emission reduction worldwide

Nascent, nasty and lethal, ozone has risen to dangerous levels in Delhi, and is increasing in various cities

As the global demand for paper rockets, forests in the Asia Pacific are being targeted for paper plantations

DuPont slimes out of catastrophe responsibility

The environment ministry is belatedly setting priorities right for procuring GEF's green bundles

Internal pressures weakened India's stand on funding at the Conference of Parties on Biodiversity Convention held in Nassau in November
