Watch this presentation by Chandra Bhushan, Deputy Director General, Centre for Science and Environment on "The Solar Scam "

India's ambitious solar mission has faltered in its first step. LANCO Infratech subverted government rules to corner a major share of solar capacity in first phase of the mission. This is an investigative report on the scam by Centre for Science and Environment in Down To Earth.

Grid-connected solar power is a new and rapidly growing sector in India – from almost nil grid- connected solar power in 2009, the country will have 2.5 gigawatts (GW) by 2014, if all goes as per plan. It has already installed about 1.0 GW and the Union government plans to install 20 GW by 2022.

India suffers from chronic energy poverty. Even after 65 years of independence, one-third of India's households have no access to grid power. More than a million households go dark after sunset. But India’s energy poverty also provides an opportunity to design a new energy future for the world.

The 17th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change met in Durban in December 2011. Negotiations were heated and acrimonious, as the world desperately searched for new ways to avoid the toughest of questions—how to drastically reduce emissions to keep the world somewhat within safe levels and how to do this while ensuring equity. With uneasy answers, the easy solution was to push the world to another round of messy negotiations for a new treaty, protocol or legal instrument or something like that.

Chandra Bhushan, Deputy Director General, CSE, speaks on the 'Imperative of equity for an effective climate agreement' at the side event held at the COP17, Durban, organised by the Indian Ministry of environment & forests, and the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). Watch this video!

This is the Presentation delivered by Chandra Bhushan of Centre for Science and Environment, at International Conference on 'Compliance and Liability in Climate Change Negotiations' organized by CSE on 1 March 2011 at New Delhi. The presentation deals with the issue on compliance under and after Kyoto.

Cancun has restored the sanctity of multilateral negotiations under the UN climate convention. People had lost faith in it by the end of the Copenhagen meet last year. But what is the cost of the Cancun success?

Cancun has restored the sanctity of multilateral negotiations under the UN climate convention. People had lost faith in it by the end of the Copenhagen meet last year. But what is the cost of the Cancun success? The new deal erases the difference between developed and developing nations. Developed countries no more have to commit legally to cut emissions.

Low carbon growth options for India by Chandra Bhushan presented at the South Asian Media Briefing on Climate Change, CSE, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 24 – 25 November, 2010.
