Environmental groups have urged the United States to back a global deal to curb carbon emissions produced by planes, noting that global aviation emits more of the greenhouse gas than all but six of

An appeals court decision to uphold proposed federal greenhouse gas rules may shift the fight over regulating the heat-trapping emissions back to Congress, where lawmakers may step up efforts to di

The Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its authority by moving to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and industrial facilities, industry groups and representatives argued

The United States said on Thursday it will contribute $12 million to a six-country initiative to fight against climate change by low-cost programs, such as promoting clean cooking stoves.

Some developing countries should contribute money to a $100 billion per year climate fund to help poor nations combat climate change, the lead U.S. climate negotiator said on Friday.

The U.S.

A California judge has suspended the implementation of an emissions cap-and-trade scheme till air regulators can examine alternatives, dealing another setback to an ambitious program that could serve as a model for other states.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Ernest Goldsmith ruled that the California Air Resources Board (ARB) should "take no action" to implement cap-and-trade plans until i