An innate knowledge of astronomy among the traditional fi shers of the southwest coast of India has, for generations, helped them in their fi shing activities.

Galicia, in the northwest of Spain, has initiated a bottom-up implementation and shared governance scheme for marine protected areas for small-scale fisheries management.

A recent workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, focused on the role of small indigenous fi sh species in ensuring incomes and nutrition for the rural poor.

A workshop on marine protected areas in India suggested ways
to achieve livelihood-sensitive conservation and management of coastal and fisheries resources.

The Agenda Item of the 28th Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on securing sustainable small-scale fisheries (SSF), dealt mainly with discussing follow-up to the Global Conference on Securing Small-scale Fisheries, held in Bangkok from 13 to 17 October 2008.

Indigenous and traditional peoples in Ecuador are demanding that
shrimp aquaculture companies be penalized for seizing mangrove areas.

Ecolabelling may well be a short-term solution to maintain the status quo of industrial fisheries and international trade in high-value species.

In the follow-up to the 4SSF Conference, fishworker organizations must capitalize on the positive experiences of social movements and civil society organizations (CSOs) engaged in the struggle for food sovereignty.

The following Statement by civil society organizations at Bangkok sought to correct the neglect of small-scale and indigenous fisheries, so as to avert impending disaster and conflict.

Deliberations at the 4SSF Conference at Bangkok seemed to offer hope for a shift away from the customary simplistic thinking on rights-based management in fisheries.
