Based on the primary data for 499 patients, 135 IPD and 364 OPD, in 62 hospitals across all the 20 districts in Punjab, the study discovered that contrary to the popular notion, the satisfaction level of the patients with the services delivered at hospitals managed by Punjab Health Systems Corporation (PHSC) was significantly high on most of the parameters.

The movement of inhabitants from a squatter settlement to a resettlement colony can be perceived as a rise in the status of slum dwellers. The slum dwellers of the resettlement colonies now have a better housing with security of tenancy. Also, they earn more than before, both in relative and absolute terms.

This paper presents a methodology for estimating the burden of diseases in monetary terms instead of a demographic indicator. The purpose was to ascertain the financial burden arising out of various categories of morbidity in the community.

The paper traces the status of quality of life in India with particular reference to north-eastern states. It proposes a methodology to combine different dimensions of quality of life, such as income, education, health, employment and infrastructure, into Quality of Life Index (QLI) by applying Totally Fuzzy Analysis (TFA).

Economic infrastructure and agricultural development in Himachal Pradesh brings out an assessment of the progress made during 1981-2001 in Himachal Pradesh. In this paper, two major components of development, viz. the agriculture and economic infrastructure sector have been analysed at district level in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

A high level of child undernutrition in India is well recognized. But one of the disturbing aspects of the nutrition situation in India is that there are substantial differences in level of child undernutrition across social groups, with Scheduled Tribes particularly disadvantaged. In this context, the paper aims to explore the level of child undernutrition among Scheduled Tribes, compared with Scheduled Castes, other backward classes and 'other' castes in the six states in the mid-India tribal belt inhabited by a substantial proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Development-induced displacement and its impact on the social, cultural and economic lives of the affected people is a huge discourse in contemporary India. Dislocation due to displacement has an irreversible impact on the lives of those displaced. Review of the existing literature shows that impacts are more severe on the most vulnerable groups such as the landless, tribals, women and children.

This article emphasizes the virtual synonimity of agriculture security, food security, farmers' security, and security of the rural sector, and the importance of ensuring the above to ensure national security.

This document is limited to rehabilitation of oustees of projects in rural areas. The idea, initially was to prepare a draft enactment of Development Planning, Minimum Displacement and Just Rehabilitation. However, considering the efforts made by the relevant groups and movements as well as the National Rehabilitation Policies of the government in 2003 and 2006, it was decided to call this document National Policy only.

This paper makes an effort to provide a framework for good governance in India by identifying its essential features and shortcomings in its working. No theory of governance could be intelligible unless it is seen in the context of its time.
