Britain's seahorses could die out as their habitat is being destroyed by pollution and trawling, experts warn.

Millions more people globally are facing the threat of severe food and water shortages in early 2016 as droughts and flood devastate crops and strain a humanitarian system already struggling to mee

Researchers from the Human Computation Institute and Cornell University say that the combination would create a superintelligence, and it could take on growing issues like climate change and geopol

The UK saw "unprecedented" jellyfish invasions and another bad year for wasps as wildlife faced weather highs and lows in 2015.

More than 1,400 flights have been canceled across the United States and another 2,600 have been delayed due to the large storm system moving through the middle part of the country.

El Niño in the Pacific always hampers hurricane activity in the Atlantic
A study by Texas University found it can sometimes reduce it by 50%

This is according to a new study that claims fracking is increasing the intensity of tremors.

Climate change is rapidly warming lakes around the world, threatening freshwater supplies and ecosystems, new data has revealed.

Climate change is rapidly warming lakes around the world, threatening freshwater supplies and ecosystems, new data has revealed.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has launched a war on deforestation, the country's foreign minister said Monday at the Paris climate talks, pledging to "actively engage" in global environment effor
