Hundreds of Bangladeshis began a four-day march Thursday from the capital to the Sundarbans in a last-ditch protest against plans to build a coal-fired power plant near the World Heritage-listed fo
Residents in low-lying areas of the Marshall Islands were braced for ongoing flooding Friday, as a series of high tides underscores the Pacific island nation's vulnerability to climate change.
Buildings in many city centres bear the stains left by decades of heavy traffic and pollution, but a new type of cement could be about to change this by actually cleaning the air around it.
Now one expert believes the grave could reveal that the kingdom was facing similar problems to our own, in the form of political unrest and climate change.
As fears increase over the 'explosive' spread of the Zika virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned there could be potential for it to grow further due to the impacts from El Nino.
New advanced satellite maps of tropical countries reveal that more than 90 percent of recent tree cover loss took place in natural forests rather than plantations, threatening ecosystems and biodiv