The Amazon forest is alarmingly sensitive to reduced rainfall, a comprehensive analysis of an unusual drought in 2005 has shown.

The study provides the first evidence that Amazonia could release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere if climate change produced hotter, drier weather in the region.

Plans for a green stimulus in the US have focused on energy efficiency, an area in which the US historically lags behind the rest of the developed world, as low energy prices and taxes have given consumers little incentive to conserve power.

The European Commission

Economic stimulus plans being rolled out across the world could commit countries to rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, cancelling out some of the green initiatives included within them, analysis has found.

Efforts by Monsanto to introduce genetically modified maize into the European Union hit a fresh roadblock yesterday when member states upheld bans imposed by Austria and Hungary.

Russia launched its $22bn liquefied natural gas project on the Pacific island of Sakhalin yesterday, opening a big new front to supply energy to Asia and on to North America as the Kremlin seeks to diversify energy markets from Europe.

Genetically modified crops are continuing to spread across the world, according to the leading annual survey of GM in agriculture, published yesterday.

Lord Stern, the climate economist, yesterday urged governments to raise their spending on green energy in economic stimulus packages and to combat carbon dioxide emissions, saying the decision could save billions of dollars in coming years.

Turkey's parliament yesterday approved its membership of the Kyoto protocol, the United Nations-led pact to combat global warming, the Anatolian news agency said.

Turkey announced its intention to sign the accord in June, after years of delays because of concerns about the cost.
Reuters, Istanbul

It is early evening and Pablo Roller, an Argentine farmer, is heading to church.

Parishioners are preparing a traditional procession of a statue of the Virgin and he is going along to pray - for rain. "I don't know what else to do," he says.
