This report evaluates the consequences to the U.S. transportation fuel sector of increasing the volume of ethanol in the U.S. gasoline pool above current volumes - now approaching 10 percent of the fuel supply. Additional volumetric increases in ethanol use are mandated by federal law. As federal mandates take the U.S.

This study uses a national agro-environmental production model to evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of introducing a market for corn stover to support a stoverbased ethanol industry. It explore the relationship between stover supply, aggregate environmental impacts, and different production practices or policies that can influence supply or mitigate environmental impact.

Over the next decade and beyond, U.S. national, state, and local policy must focus on developing sustainable biofuels

Crop residues like wheat straw and corn stover

Based on practical knowledge and international experience accumulated via past and ongoing World Bank operations, this Note

Energy efficiency (EE) is a proven and cost-effective measure to address rapidly increasing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This report identifies, analyzes, categorizes, and describes the main elements of institutional models and practices that have proved effective in promoting EE investments, particularly in the end-use (industry, buildings, residential) consuming sectors.

This study aims to reveal Sub-Saharan Africa

World marketed energy consumption is projected to increase by 50 percent from 2005 to 2030. Total energy demand in the non-OECD countries increases by 85 percent, compared with an increase of 19 percent in the OECD countries.

In a world of rapidly rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and growing unease about imported oil, the appeal of renewable fuels is growing apace. Biofuels

The Annual Energy Outlook 2008 (AEO2008) presents projections and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. The AEO2008 includes the reference case, additional cases examining energy markets, and complete documentation.
