The financial mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), operated by the GEF, has assisted eligible countries to implement their commitments for achieving the objectives of this unique international legal instrument. Considering that most of the biological diversity is located in developing countries, the importance of the GEF to the CBD remains fundamental. This publication highlights the achievements of the GEF since its inception, summarizes its current investment strategy, and begins to map the way forward for the next phase of the GEF.

The use of biodiesel, made primarily from soybeans and other organic products, merits serious consideration as an alternative fuel. As dependency on foreign oil escalates, use of any energy source that is both renewable and made domestically deser ves further investigation. Biodiesel also provides a positive environmental effect, has no real handling or infrastructure

This report provides comparative data on a number of measures of emissions for a wide range of countries, allowing comparisons to be made among the different measures. It provides a decomposition of the change in fossil fuel CO2 emissions between 1994 and 2004 into changes in five factors: the average emission per unit of fossil fuel consumed; the share of fossil fuel consumption in total energy consumption; total energy consumption per unit of GDP; GDP per capita; and population. It carries out this decomposition for the top 70 countries in terms of 2004 emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels.

World Development Report 2008 calls for greater investment in agriculture in developing countries.The report warns that the sector must be placed at the center of the development agenda if the goals of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 are to be realized.

In 1997, the Government of Mexico introduced a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program called Programa de Education, Salud, Y Alimentacion (Progresa), providing assistance to about 300, 000 extremely poor households. The essential premise of a CCT program is a cash transfer to households, conditioned on their participation in health, nutrition, and education services.

The recent trends in employment of child labour in hybrid cottonseed production in different states in India clearly indicate that the overall number of children employed in this sector is on the rise

The overall aim of the India Ecodevelopment Project, approved in 1996, was to conserve biological diversity in seven globally significant protected areas (PAS) by implementing an ecodevelopment strategy (prepared by the GOI).

This report has two overall general purposes. The first is to summarise, assess, and judge the most comprehensive body of evidence yet collected and displayed on the subject of food, nutrition, physical activity, body composition, and the risk of cancer, throughout the life-course.

This study reviews international experience with managing resource revenues in both developed and developing countries. The intent is to assess the scope for using benefit-sharing instruments to spread the benefits of mineral extraction across the economy and catalyze

This study was initiated in response to a recognition by Go0 and other stakeholders that environmental and social risks o f mineral-intensive growth are closely interlinked, and therefore, developing strategies to carefully manage and mitigate the harmful environmental effects is critical for enabling rapid, sustainable and inclusive growth in Orissa. The study aimed to support the growth
