The proposed Strategic Framework on Climate Change and Development (SFCCD) will be a means to articulate the WBG's vision on how to integrate climate change and development challenges, without compromising growth and poverty reduction efforts through its country operations, including policy dialogue, lending, and analytical work in client countries, and through its regional and global operations.

India has had the most success attracting more private investment in infrastructure in 2006 than any other developing country. Long-standing policies in most other South Asian countries are beginning to bear fruit as well. Nevertheless, delivering the infrastructure services needed to sustain and accelerate

After 30 years of dynamic growth and substantial poverty reduction in Asia, do agriculture and rural development still have a role to play in that region?

Transit planning in the United States has tended toward viewing BRT as an analogue to light rail transit, with similar operating patterns. This model, referred to as "Light Rail Lite,' is compared to international best practices, which have often favored the development of a grade-separated bus infrastructure ("Quickways') that in turn supports a varied mix of all-stops, express, and branching services. This model, dubbed the Quickway model, evolved out of the practical necessity of cities to meet ambitious ridership or mode split targets.

Climate change and policies to address it will fundamentally alter the market dynamics of the forest products industry. The management of forests and the manufacturing, use, disposal, and recycling of forest products can affect the balance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Because trees are a renewable resource with an ability to capture and store carbon, forest products companies that invest in sustainable production practices may be well positioned to provide climate change solutions through new and existing business models.

This edition of Environment Matters arrives just as the international community embarks on a two-year process to secure a new global framework to limit the amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) entering the atmosphere and devise ways to help developing countries adapt to and prepare themselves for the effects of climate change.

Building an effective air quality management system (AQMS) requires a process of continual improvement, and the source apportionment techniques described in this report can contribute in a cost effective manner to improving existing systems or

This paper provides an overview on what has been learned about urban poverty over the past decade with a focus on what is new and what the implications are for the World Bank going forward in an increasingly urbanized world. Coverage includes current nformation on the scope of urban poverty, identification of the key issues for the urban poor, a summary of regional characteristics of urban poverty, what has been learned from programs and policies aimed at the urban poor, and finally, the paper identifies priorities for urban poverty reduction within the context of an overall urban strategy.

This report highlights the importance of strengthening institutions for environment management in sustaining and accelerating India's strong growth performance. Specifically, it analyzes and identifies opportunities in institutional development and capacity building measures to strengthen monitoring and enforcement of environmental compliance and enhances environmental performance in the three major sectors

The challenge of saving wild tigers has become a global one and calls for a global solution and commitment. The successful conservation of wild tigers and the natural capital that sustains them are among the key indicators of sustainable development and require greater global resources and attention.
